UN | Streamlining global data collection

Project Description

The United Nations Greening the Blue (GtB) Initiative was launched in 2007 committing all UN agencies to become climate neutral. Agencies were experiencing challenges in data collection because of the difficulty in training and motivating staff to work with the complexity of GHG accounting. Impacti launched a Long-Term Agreement with UNFPA in 2021.

What we did

Impacti researched best practices in public sector GHG accounting, developed a cloud-based software solution accessible globally, and hosted capacity building sessions. We supported UNFPA in developing a GHG Management System aligned with the UN GtB methodology (GHG Protocol, ISO-14064). 


After the success of the UNFPA pilot program, a group of UN agencies have joined the Impacti platform. We observed the following results:

  • Improved accuracy of emissions results due to Impacti expert guidance and reviews

  • Real-time data insights into GHG hotspots, trends and scenarios - Organization-wide and disaggregated by site/country/region/program

  • Moved beyond just reporting to GHG data management to achieve 2030 & 2050 goals

Get in touch

We’ve jumpstarted the 2023 GHG Inventory season with our UN agencies. Are you interested in joining this year’s cohort? Contact us at discover@impacti.solutions or book a demo.

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