Ideas for environmental sustainability at credit unions
What does environmental sustainability mean at credit unions? Many things! Whether you’re just starting an environmental program or are looking for ideas to take it to the next level, there’s certainly no shortage of inspiration to draw from across your U.S. credit union peers.
Keep reading to find out about some of our favorite inspirations from coast to coast.
Employee perks: Summit Credit Union offers a payroll deduction option for employees to enroll in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Employees get access to local fresh produce while supporting local farmers.
Green Office: Sunrise Banks (St. Paul, Minnesota) has installed LED lights in 100% of locations, recycles or composts 80% of waste and improved energy efficiency.
Shred Events: Self-Help Credit Union hosted Shred Events for members to recycle confidential documents and a “Recycling Rodeo” for hard-to-recycle items such as electronic waste, chemicals, paints, batteries and car oil.
Carbon Neutrality: Clearwater Credit Union achieved carbon neutrality in 2020 by measuring its carbon footprint, reducing emissions and purchasing offsets from a local affordable housing project.
Grant Programs: BECU launched its Green Equity Initiative Grants in 2022 with up to $875,000 allocated for charities that support environmental sustainability and justice.
E-Vehicle Loans: OnPoint Community Credit Union offers a discount of 0.25% APR off their standard auto loan rates for members to finance the purchase of an electric or hybrid vehicle. For every loan approved, OnPoint makes a donation to The Nature Conservancy.
Green Portfolios: Verity Credit Union has signed the Climate Change Commitment and agreed to measure the GHG emissions of its auto loan and mortgage portfolios in 2022. Amalgamated Bank offers a Fossil Fuel Free Investment Portfolio.
Interested in learning more about these and other sustainability innovations? Contact our experts to learn about our 2022 review of environmental best practices by credit unions.