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Getting Started

How to use Impacti CARBON

How to use Impacti SDG

Getting Started

  • To create an account, go to our Pricing page to design the perfect plan for your business. Once you've decided on your preferred options, click on the CONTACT SALES button to submit your preferences. We'll get back to you within 48 hours to set up your account and kickstart your impact journey.

  • All Impacti plans offer 12-months of access to our digital solutions combined with consulting hours to meet one-to-one with our experts. You can choose the options that suit your business in three easy steps.

    • First, choose the Impact Solution that matches your goals.

    • Second, decide if you want to add extra consulting hours - it's optional. If you're unsure, you can skip this step and always add on hours later.

    • Third, select the billing cycle that best matches your company cashflow situation.

    Once you've decided, send your choices to our Sales team and we'll get you signed up.

  • We help you choose a secure password by requiring that it contains: a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a special character and a digit. Note that a period "." does not qualify as a special character. Make sure to choose another special character, such as # @ ! $ % ^ & *. One last thing - you'll be asked to type in your password twice. Make sure that the two passwords match exactly (including upper/lower case characters).

  • Go to the Impacti login page here and click on the Forgot Password link under the LOG IN button. You'll be invited to enter the email address you used to sign up to Impacti. Click SEND and you'll receive an email with a link to reset your password.

How to use Impacti CARBON

  • Impacti CARBON is a powerful digital solution for businesses to manage their carbon footprint. You'll find everything you need to get a calculation of your carbon footprint that is credible today and comparable for years to come. You get powerful insights into carbon hotspots so that you can focus your reduction efforts where it matters. It's a must have for any business that wants to set and track progress towards GHG reduction goals.

  • CARBON walks you through four steps to calculate and manage your carbon footprint:

    1. Measure: Complete our Guided Assessment to decide what you'll measure and enter data.

    2. Strategize: Get insights on your carbon hotspots from your Dashboard to know where to improve.

    3. Set Goals: Use our Goal Tracker to set emissions reduction goals - for specific emission sources and overall.

    4. Report: Share your carbon footprint and climate commitments with the audiences that care. Keep track year to year.

  • Our methodology is aligned with the GHG Protocol and ISO-14064 standards for corporate and organizational carbon footprints. You'll also find practical tips from Impacti's CARBON experts on how to align to these standards in our CARBON Playbook. This guidance comes from their experience advising organizations in +140 countries on carbon accounting since 2008.

  • CARBON offers automated calculations for all Scope 1, 2 and the most common Scope 3 emission sources covered in an operational footprint. You enter the data, and with a click, get your emission results for:

    Fuel combusted and energy generated at your offices/facilities/equipment

    Refrigerants leaked from air conditioning

    Fuel used in company vehicles

    Energy purchased to power and heat your offices/facilities

    Business travel

    Staff commuting

    Travel by clients/customers

    We're adding automated calculations for other Scope 3 emissions (e.g. transportation, delivery, purchased goods & services and more) in the coming months. Our CARBON experts can also offer guidance on the best calculation approach for any other emission categories you'd like to include in your carbon footprint.

  • Yes! You can, and should, include all offices, manufacturing sites, retail stores, distribution centers and any other facility/site that your company owns or rents - we call these 'entities' in CARBON. You could choose to just aggregate data for all locations and enter the combined data as one single entity. However, most companies choose to enter data separately for each location because this offers more detailed and useful analysis. You can pinpoint location-specific issues to address and compare/benchmark results across your locations. With CARBON, it's costs just $100 per entity to get this detailed analysis for each of your locations.

  • Yes! While most companies start by first focusing on getting the carbon footprint of their direct operations right (Scope 1 and 2), it's a growing expectation that businesses expand to include other activities in their value chain. Why? Value chain emissions are often the biggest source of a company's emissions, often more than 90%!

    In CARBON, you can invite suppliers and other external partners to join your climate action efforts. Contact our SALES team with the details and we'll get everyone set up. You'll get a customized CARBON experience where you can link to each of your partner's accounts and view aggregated data across your value chain. This way, you get the full picture of your carbon footprint all on one platform.

  • That depends. If it's a technical issue, click on the Contact/Feedback icon on the top right menu and describe the issue you're experiencing. Our tech support team will be in touch to help you troubleshoot.

    If it's about your carbon footprint, check out the CARBON Playbook to find answers to the most common questions asked by members of the Impacti community. The Playbook, available 24/7, offers explanations, tips and practical examples to help you make good decisions at each step of your carbon assessment.

    Still have questions? Click on the Contact/Feedback icon on the top right menu and send your question to our CARBON expert team. We'll get back to you within 48 hours to keep you on track.

    You can also email us directly at discover@impacti.solutions to talk to any of our teams.

How to use Impacti SDG

  • Impacti SDG is a powerful digital solution for businesses to discover, improve and report on how they contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. It's a useful solution for businesses that want to:

    • communicate their impact to multiple audiences (e.g. disclosure programs, staff, customers, partners) and want to centralize their data onto one secure hub to make reporting more efficient.

    • help internal sustainability teams keep track of climate and sustainability initiatives happening across the organization, and retain institutional memory even when staff changes.

    • build up their reputation as a business that makes positive social and environmental impact to keep up with raising expectations of their staff, customers, buyers and partners.

  • Impacti SDG walks you through four steps to build reporting on the SDGs:

    1. Prioritize: Use our online assessment to discover the SDGs most relevant to your business

    2. Implement: Map what you're doing now to the SDGs to create your first SDG Impact Report!

    3. Optimize: Explore our libraries for ideas on how to improve your impact.

    4. Track Progress: Set up your Impact Plan, with goals and KPIs to track in Impact SDG. Create impact reports and communications whenever you need, tailored to the interests of different audiences.

  • Sustainability is no longer a checklist exercise. It's now recommended for businesses to focus on the issues that matter most and take meaningful action to improve your impact. That's why we built SDG EXPLORE - our quick online assessment tool where you can enter your business location(s) and sector(s) to learn about the sustainability issues that you need to pay attention to - whether waste reduction, living wages, gender equality, energy efficiency, climate change and so much more.

  • Within Impacti SDG, we've translated the SDGs into business language. We've taken the 17 Global Goals and 169 Targets and turned them into libraries of impact areas, actions and KPIs. Our SDG research team works continuously to update our framework with the latest knowledge and practice. You can search our libraries to find actions that you are taking and link them to the official SDG Targets. Or book a meeting with one of our SDG experts to fast-track the SDG mapping process.

  • There's a lot of different metrics out there. But in recent years there has been a significant effort to harmonize sustainability standards and align them to the SDGs. By now, all of the major sustainability standards have mapped how their metrics link to the SDGs. Here are the mappings by IRIS+, Global Reporting Initiative, SASB, International <IR> Framework, and CDP. For your business, you can search the libraries in Impacti SDG for common metrics chosen by small and medium businesses to credibly track their contributions to the SDGs. Or book a meeting with one of our SDG experts to fast-track the process of choosing your SDG KPI framework.

  • Impacti SDG allows you to create widgets for each SDG business action and KPI/metric that you want to track. Once you've created a widget, you can enter data, set goals, create visuals, add comments and attach documents. Each widget is a one-stop hub to store all knowledge about your business' progress in improving your impact on that specific issue. You can view and sort your widgets by SDGs and create customized reports that show the widgets that your audiences care about.

  • With Impacti SDG, your business gets an automated SDG Impact Profile that you can share as a PDF/weblink or embed onto your website. It's designed to contain the typical elements in business sustainability reports: About Us, Sustainability Mission.