Global | Best Practices in green procurement & supply chains
Project Description
The World Bank is recognized as a provider of world-class advisory services on innovative procurement practices to its global clients. The Bank decided to expand its advisory services to cover green public procurement and commissioned a global review of green procurement practices across the public and private sectors. They engaged the Impacti team to coordinate the global review, draft guidance material and deliver trainings to Bank staff around the world.
What we did
Impacti worked with the World Bank's Global Governance Practice team to open up this new area of advisory services. We conducted:
Desk research and peer consultations to uncover best practices, including interviews with OECD, European Commission, UN Environment Programme, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, US Environmental Protection Agency and more.
Drafting of practical guidance notes for World Bank staff filled with case studies, sample documents, useful tools and cutting-edge thinking.
Training sessions and creation of a community of practice to exchange experiences and promote excellence.
Impacti was engaged to provide direct advisory services to the Ministry of Economy in Ukraine to advance their green public procurement systems.
Through our collaboration, Impacti and the World Bank have made globally available:
Cutting-edge research and a practical guide for any interested public or private sector body to implement green procurement systems
Increased interest and engagement from governments ministries responsible for the economy to promote green procurement
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